I was invited to apply to the Springtime at Fraser's Ridge Outlander Event and it was a NO BRAINER!. I crocheted for months making all kinds of fun & appropriate Outlander crocheted items, including shawls and wrist warmers.

I also brought my own kind of old timey crochet ideas like the Scottish flag dreamcatcher and the Outlander shawl ornaments. I tried to make my crochet fit in to the series as best I could.

Highlights? It's hard to pick but of course the people were the best. My sidekick for the event Pauline was the best helper ever and I did got to meet fellow crafter Suzanne who visited from Missouri.

There was also this guy Duncan Lacroix who came from England. Oh, you might know him as Murtagh Fitzgibbons from the show! He was so nice & spent his visit with us looking around the doily tent & talking about the Irish in Boston. (yes, there are a lot here.)

Would I go back again? Well, Yes! I applied to the October show. I'm super excited to visit North Carolina when it's not 95 degrees.
The 14 hour drive was worth the adventure!