Customer Story

I didn't get a picture of her but Anna

came to my tent recently & was telling me about her grandmother & mother who crocheted. She had many beautiful crocheted pieces but they were dirtied and ripped.
So I told her I'd clean them free and take a look at the rips.
started crying

& saying "why? why?"

I explained to her that since I know it takes hours to crochet a doily. I understand that back in the day, the hours spent making her older crochet items were very hard to come by. I respect the time and work put into these special pieces of art because these ladies were probably crocheting at night after the kids were put to bed and the house was cleaned. They probably didn't have many patterns and may have had to make their own.
She was still crying when she hugged me saying "thank you, thank you" We made plans for her to send me the crochet.

Moral of this true story: Your ruined doilies and old timey crochet aren't anything to cry over. Just PM me and I'll help you get them fixed & cleaned. Your heirlooms were made to be used.
That will make us all happy!!